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Panel Discussion:

Networking and Raising Visibility
in Research Environments

    Thursday, October 10, 2013 - 13.30-14.30 in H8, GEO

If you plan to pursue a career in research, you will have to specialize and show your expertise in publications, on conferences and in the web. Different rankings may be applied in application procedures, and networking is crucial in this field – to be known and reputable may open the door to research projects and job opportunities.

The panel brings together junior and senior scientists to discuss about strategies to get ahead, the role of social media and publications as well as the decision making criteria within appointment committees:

Leafs in circle



  • Jürgen Dengler has some experience with online science networks and bibliometric indices.
  • Bunafsha Mislimshoeva is checking out different networking and career options.  
  • Stefan Peiffer deems the "publish or perish" system as dead end street.
  • Birgitta Wöhrl knows what goes on behind the doors of appointment committees.


Moderation: Heike Feldhaar

Letzte Änderung 08.10.2013