Uni-Bayreuth grafik-uni-bayreuth



3 Research Yields: Ideas Pursued to the End

Leitung: Prof. Dr. Heike Feldhaar

Donnerstag, 15:30-17:00, H6, GEO

Your research is coming to an end because your time or resources are about to finish. What conclusions do you come to – on the science as well as on the practical side? And do you have new ideas already nurtured in the cradle?

15:30O 3.1: Anja Jaeschke et al.: Extending the climate envelope: Methodological approaches to integrate ecological prerequisites in species distribution models at large spatial extents
15:45O 3.2: Michaela Dippold et al.: Position-specific labeling: A novel biogeochemical tool to trace C transformations in soils
16:00O 3.3: Steffen Heinrich et al.: 13C and 15N incorporation into litter compounds of Norway spruce after short-term labelling assessed by compound specific isotope analysis
16:15O 3.4: Arndt Piayda et al.: Water balance and carbon sink strength of an European savannah-type woodland during the drought year 2012
16:30O 3.5: Yohannes Ayanu et al.: Undercover cropland expansion in forests of Bale Mountains, Ethiopia: Revealed with satellite remote sensing combined with ground photos
16:45O 3.6: Andrey Malyshev et al.: Plant responses to simulated and naturally variable winter temperatures: a within vs. among species comparison.

Awards Ceremony and Closing


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P 3.2 Maren Dubbert, Arndt Piayda, Joao Pereira, Matthias Cuntz, Christiane Werner
Linking water and carbon fluxes in a Mediterranean oak woodland using a combined flux and δ18O partitioning approach
P 3.3 Maren Dubbert, Arndt Piayda, Matthias Cuntz, Christiane Werner
Validating the Craig and Gordon model with field measurements of oxygen isotope ratios of evaporative fluxes
P 3.4 Andreas Bantle, Werner Borken, Egbert Matzner
Amount and quality of dissolved organic carbon from coarse woody debris of different tree species in the initial phase of decomposition
P 3.5 Alexander Endreß, Jana Messinger
New exot in testing phase: Do pinching and post-harvest ripening influence yield and fruit quality of lulo?

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