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Inputs to the Soyang Reservoir and Dynamic Changes in Water Quality

Jean-Lionel Payeur-Poirier1
1 Lehrstuhl für Hydrologie, Universität Bayreuth

O 1.2 in From Cradle to Reality: Research Ideas at the Beginning

10.10.2013, 09:00-09:15, H6, GEO


The provision of water from the Soyang Reservoir is a highly valued ecosystem service by a significant percentage of the South Korean population. In order to maintain the benefits obtained from this service, sufficient levels of water quality and water yield must be sustained. Nutrient elements have a strong influence on the Reservoir water quality. These elements are transferred through water flow from agricultural fields and forests to the Soyang Reservoir. It is hypothesized that, during the summer monsoon season, water quality is controlled by the large input of external nutrient elements from the Watershed, while, during the rest of the year, it is controlled by internal chemical processes of the Reservoir. The objective of this Cluster is to elucidate the coupling between the hydrological and chemical processes within the Soyang Watershed and the Soyang Reservoir internal chemical processes influencing water quality. Understanding and assessing the processes occurring within the Soyang Reservoir and Watershed are pre-requisites to providing suggestions and guidelines on the sustainable management of water quality and water yield.


Keywords: hydrology, ecosystem services, monsoon, Haean catchment, nutrient transport and processing.

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Letzte Änderung 01.10.2013