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Conference: Tephra Hunt in Transylvania

Conference: Tephra Hunt in Transylvania


The international INTAV conference "Crossing New Frontiers - Tephra Hunt in Transylvania" is taking place from 24-29 June 2018 in Romania. With the venue in the Southern Carpathians the International Focus Group on Tephrochronology and Volcanism INTAV aims to draw attention to hitherto neglected regions in the Southeast of Europe. About 100 participants from 21 countries will discuss new research in 42 talks and over 50 poster presentations. The Geomorphology group from Bayreuth is also present, with Dr. Ulrich Hambach being part of the organisation team.

INTAV is part of the "International Union for Quaternary Research" INQUA, uniting the research initiatives on environmental development in the recent geological past and their relevance for today's ecosystems world wide. The development of ecosystems under the influence of anthropogenic as well as natural climate change induced by volcanic activity are further research topics.

The INTAV group focuses on the impact of volcanism on the environment, in particular on the use of dating of environmental archives - such as ice cores and marine and lake sediments - by volcanic ash (tephra), some of which are spread over whole continents, and whose age is known independently. Examples of the application of tephra studies to environmental changes are the eruption of Santorini around 1600 BC. or the eruption of Campi Flegrei near Naples, which probably initiated the extinction of the Neanderthals. Volcanic eruptions in Iceland - such as the historic Laki eruption - have been used in detailed studies to simulate the effects of future Icelandic volcanic eruptions on the Northern Hemisphere climate.

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