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Global vegetation-plot database sPlot 2.1

Global vegetation-plot database sPlot 2.1


The scientists of the global vegetation-plot database sPlot have released a new version of the database which contains over 1.1 million vegetation plots from 130 countries covering all biomes of the Earth. sPlot constitutes a unique data source of fine-grain species co-occurrence data with unprecedented spatial coverage.

Version 2.1 is now cleaned from remaining inconsistencies, has harmonized species names matching the global plant trait database and allows separate analyses, for example, for grasslands and forests. The sPlot Consortium has more than 150 members from all around the world. Upon invitation of Prof. Jürgen Dengler, BayCEER, University of Bayreuth, and Dr. Oliver Purschke, iDiv, 19 of them met from 24th to 28th October at the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) of the DFG in Leipzig. During this sPlot III workshop they prepared sPlot 2.1 for release, worked intensively on the first series of six high-rank papers and made plans for an even more comprehensive sPlot 3.0, envisaged for the second half of 2017.

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