The Reactivity of Iron Minerals in Natural Aquatic Systems

ESF Exploratory Workshop EW04-064

Participants at the workshop

Name Institute
Corey(M. Sc.) Archer University of Bristol, Department of Earth Sciences
Thilo Behrends Utrecht University Faculty of Geosciences, Department of Earth Sciences,Biogeochemistry
Liane G. Benning University of Leeds Earth and Biosphere Institute, School of Earth and Environment
Xavier Châtellier Geosciences Rennes, CNRS;
Maria Letizia Colarieti Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica dell'Università "Federico II", Napoli
Yigal Erel The Hebrew University of Israel, Inst. Earth Science
Stefan Haderlein Lehrstuhl Umweltmineralogie, Zentrum für angewandte Geowissenschaften (ZAG), Institut für Geowissenschaften (IfG), Eberhard-Karls Universität Tübingen
Thomas Hofstetter EAWAG/ETH, Department W+T, Zürich
Dr FredericJorand LCPME UMR 7564 CNRS-UHP, Villers, France
Christian Koch-Bender Royal Veterinary & Agricultural University , Department of Natural Sciences, Copenhagen
Stephan Kraemer ETH Zürich, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology
Kirsten Küsel Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Institut für Ökologie
John Lloyd University of Manchester, Department of Earth Sciences
Lars Lövgren Umeå universitet Oorganisk kemi Kemiska institutionen
Gudrun Massmann FU-Berlin Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften, Fachbereich Geochemie, Hydrogeologie, Mineralogie, Arbeitsgruppe Hydrogeologie'
Valentina Parfenova Laboratory of Aquatic MicrobiologyIrkutsk, Limnological Institute of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Stefan Peiffer University of Bayreuth, Chair of Hydrology
Dieke Postma Technical University of Denmark, Institute of Environment & Resources
Simon Poulton University of Southern Denmark, Danish Center for Earth System Science, Institute of Biology
Kristina Straub Universität Konstanz, Fachbereich Biologie
José Torrent Universidad de Córdoba, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Agrónomos y Montes,
Katrin Wendt-Potthoff UFZ Centre of Environmental Research, Magdeburg
Jan Wiederhold ETH Zürich, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology

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