1 Special SPECIES and species' specialties

Chair: Gerhard Gebauer, Heike Feldhaar


P 1.1 Judith Bäumler, Angelika Mustroph
Characterization of the hypoxia-induced transcription factor ABR1
P 1.2 Judith Bieberich, Julian Heinrichs, Marianne Lauerer, Heike Feldhaar
Impatiens glandulifera: Impact of an invasive plant species on the seedling development of co-occurring native species
P 1.3 Jana T. Müller, Rashmi Sasidharan, Angelika Mustroph
How to survive? Understanding flooding tolerance mechanisms using a tolerant dicot model system
P 1.4 Julienne Marie-Isabelle Schiebold, Martin. I. Bidartondo, Peter Karasch, Barbara Gravendeel, Gerhard Gebauer
An orchid´s exquisite taste for truffles – partial mycoheterotrophy in the genus Epipactis
P 1.5 Anita Weißflog, Lars Markesteijn, Owen T. Lewis, Bettina M. J. Engelbrecht
Contrasting patterns of insect herbivory and predation pressure across a tropical rainfall and tree species richness gradient

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