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Particle formation above natural and simulated salt lakes

Katharina A. Kamilli1, Johannes Ofner2, Torsten Krause3, Tobias Sattler3, Heinfried Schöler3, Bernhard Lendl2, Andreas Held1
1 Atmospheric Chemistry, University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany
2 Vienna University of Technology, Austria
3 Institute of Earth Science, University of Heidelberg, Germany

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02.10.2014, 11:30-11:45, H36, NW III

Between 2006 and 2013 several field campaigns have been conducted in Western Australia (WA) in the framework of the research project HaloProc. In WA, a great variety of salt lakes with pH values ranging from acidic to neutral are present. As high salinity and low pH (Fickert et al., 1999) favor halogen release, salt lakes were identified as a source for halogens (Buxmann et al., 2012). Previously, measurements performed by car and airplane related new particle formation to the WA salt lakes (Junkermann et al., 2009). In this study, the possible role of halogens in particle formation was investigated in detail.

To identify particle formation directly above the salt lakes, a 2.35 m³ Teflon chamber was set up above several lakes in 2012 and 2013. Inside the chamber, photochemistry may take place whereas advection of already existing particles is prevented. The number size distribution was measured by a field portable differential mobility particle sizer. The dependence on meteorological conditions has been examined. To obtain chemical information of the newly formed particles, aerosol filter samples were taken.


Moreover, reference experiments were performed in the laboratory to examine aerosol formation under atmospheric conditions using simulated sunlight and the simplified chemical composition of a salt lake. As organic precursors, a mixture of 80 % 1,8-cineole and 20 % limonene, which is typical for the emission of Eucalyptus globulus, was used.

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last modified 2014-09-09