Uni-Bayreuth grafik-uni-bayreuth



2 Biodiversity and Nature Protection

Thursday, 13:00-13:30,

13:00O 2.1: Robert Vandré et al.: Digging the mud: Attempts to abate siltation in pearl mussel rivers
13:15O 2.2: Michaela Dippold et al.: Effect of plant biodiversity on microbial community structure and their role in amino acid turnover in soil

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P 2.1 Bettina Engelbrecht
DROUGHT IN TROPICAL FORESTS: Linking mechanisms of drought sensitivity with plant dynamics and distributions
P 2.2 Mirjana Bevanda, Claudia Dupke, Lorenz Fahse, Marco Heruich, Björn Reineking
Towards a better understanding of animal movement patterns

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