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The stable carbon isotope 13C and its pools in and flows between soil, vegetation, and atmosphere in different plant communities of the Fichtelgebirge


From 01/1998 to 12/2000

Principal Investigator: Thomas Foken
Staff: Nina Buchmann, Johannes Ruppert, Bodo Wichura
Grant: 0339476 C Grundlagen zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung von Ökosystemen bei veränderter Umwelt

The A7-Project activities were focused to the investigation of the applicability and the decision for an adequate variant of the eddy-accumulation method. The underlying surface conditions for the planned measurement site (forest site Weidenbrunnen) were studied using the method of normalized turbulence characteristics. Tools for the examination of coherent boundary layer structures above the forest were developed by another project. The eddy-accumulation system was designed and has been prepared.

List of publications of this Project

Foken, T; Mangold, A; Rebmann, C; Wichura, B: Characterization of a complex measuring site for flux measurements in Am. Meteorol. Soc.: Proc. Ninth Conference on Mountain Met, 239-240 (2000)
Foken, T; Mangold, A; Hierteis, M; Wichura, B; Rebmann, C: Characterization of the heterogeneity of the terrain by normalized turbulence characteristics, Proc. 13th Symposium on Boundary Layer and Turbulence, 10 - 15 Jan. 1999, Dallas, 26-27 (1999)
Heinz, G; Handorf, D; Foken, T: Direct visualization of the energy transfer from coherent structures to turbulence via wavelet analysis, Proc. 13th Symposium on Boundary Layer and Turbulence, 10 - 15 Jan. 1999, Dallas, 664-665 (1999)

Related links:
  • Field of research: CO2: Carbon dioxide fluxes
  • PhD Thesis: Untersuchung zum Kohlendioxid-Austausch über einem Fichtenwaldbestand auf der Grundlage von Hyperbolic-Relaxed-Eddy-Accumulation Messungen für das stabile Kohlenstoffisotop 13C und von Wavelletanalysen
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