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Untersuchung des Kohlenstoff- und Energieaustausches in europäischen terrestrischen Ökosystemen (CARBOEUROFLUX)


From 01/2000 to 12/2003

Principal Investigator: Thomas Foken
Staff: Mathias Göckede, Corinna Rebmann

List of publications of this Project

Foken, T; Göckede, M; Mauder, M; Mahrt, L; Amiro, BD; Munger, JW: Post-field data quality control. in Lee X., Massman W, Law B : Handbook of Micrometeorology: A Guide for Surface Flux Measurement and Analysis, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 181-208 (2004)
Rebmann, C; Anthoni, P; Falge, E; Göckede, M; Mangold, A; Subke, J-A; Thomas, C; Wichura, B; Schulze, ED; Tenhunen, JD; Foken, T: Carbon budget of a spruce forest ecosystem in Matzner, E.: Ecological Studies, Biogeochemistry of forested catchments in a changing environment: a German case study, Springer Verlag, 172, 143-160 (2004)
Göckede, M; Rebmann, C; Foken, T: A combination of quality assessment tools for eddy covariance measurements with footprint modelling for the characterisation of complex sites, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 127, 175-188 (2004) -- Details
Foken, T: Angewandte Meteorologie, Mikrometeorologische Methoden, , Springer, 289 S. (2003) -- Details
Aubinet, M; Clement, R; Elbers, JA; Foken, T; Grelle, A; Ibrom, A; Moncrieff, JB; Pilegaard, K; Rannik, Ü; Rebmann, C: Metodology for data acquisition, storage and treatment in Beck E., Bendix J, Kottke I, Makeschin F, Mosandl R,: Ecological Studies, Springer Verlag, 163, 9-35 (2003) -- Details

Related links:
  • Field of research: CO2: Carbon dioxide fluxes
  • Field of research: QA/QC: Quality Assurance and Quality Control of Micrometeorological Measurements
  • PhD Thesis: Kohlendioxid-, Wasserdampf- und Energieaustausch eines Fichtenwaldes in Mittelgebirgslage in Nordostbayern
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