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Andreas Held: Publikationen

Held, A; Novak, A; Wiedensohler, A; Klemm, O: Field measurements and size-resolved model simulations of turbulent particle transport to a forest canopy, J. Aerosol Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.jaerosci.2005.06.005 (2005)
Steinbrecher, R; Rappenglück, B; Hansel, A; Graus, M; Klemm, O; Held, A; Wiedensohler, A; Nowak, A: Vegetation-atmospheric interactions: The emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOC) and their relevance to atmospheric particle dynamics in Matzner, E.: Ecological Studies, Biogeochemistry of forested catchments in a changing environment: a German case study, Springer Verlag, 215-232 (2004)
Held, A; Klemm, O; Hinz, K-P; Trimborn, P; Spengler, B: Chemical classes of atmospherric aerosol particles at a rural site in Central Europe during winter, J. Aerosol Sciences, 33, 581-594 (2002) -- Details
Held, A; Wrzesinsky, T; Mangold, A; Gerchau, J; Klemm, O: Atmospheric phase distribution of oxidized and reduced nitrogen at a forest ecosystem research site, Chemosphere, 48, 697-706 (2002) -- Details
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