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Faculty for Biology, Chemistry, and Earth Sciences

Experimental Biogeochemistry - Prof. Dr. Martin Obst

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Exercise course: Research Module (M2)

SS 2019

Martin Obst

Possibilities for 2 students (3 weeks full day) in the semester break prior to the summer term: Establishing of Method for spatially resolved pH measurements in environmental biofilms by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Study of 2 different environmental biofilms.


Possibility for 2 students for the development of an apparatus for 2D measurements in biofilms using micro electrodes. Mechanical skills and/or programming skills required.


Possibility for 1 students (3 weeks full day) in the semester break prior to the summer term: Detailed quantitative analysis of existing laser microscopy data of environmental biofilms. Start date depends on the progress of a currently ongoing M.Sc. thesis (expected in March/April).


Possibilities for 2 students (3 weeks full day) in the break after the summer term: Combination of spatially resolved pH measurements in biofilms by confocal laser scanning microscopy with other other biogeochemical measurements.

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