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Gerhard Rambold: Publications

Peer reviewed


Gkoutselis, G., Rohrbach, S., Harjes, J., Brachmann, A., Horn, M., Rambold, G.: Plastiphily is linked to generic virulence traits of important human pathogenic fungi. Communications Earth & Environment, 5, 51 (2024).

Rohrbach, S., Gkoutselis, G., Mauel, A., Telli, N., Senker, J., Ho, A., Rambold, G., Horn, M.: Setting new standards: Multiphasic analysis of microplastic mineralization by fungi. Chemosphere, 349, 141025 (2024).


Rohrbach, S., Gkoutselis, G., Hink, L., Weig, A., Obst, M., Diekmann, A., Ho, A., Rambold, G., Horn, M.: Microplastic polymer properties as deterministic factors driving terrestrial plastisphere microbiome assembly and succession in the field. Environmental Microbiology, 25(12), 2681-2697 (2023).

Rambold, G., Neubacher, D., Schießl, S.: Fingerprints, barcode sequences and quasi-phylogenies : Tools for analysing polyphonic music. PLoS One, 18(3), e0280478 (2023).

Kinge, T., Jefwa, J., Houdanon, R., Kamalebo, H., Abdel-Azeem, A., Gryzenhout, M., Triebel, D., Weibulat, T., Rambold, G.: Management and publication of scientific data on traditional mycological and lichenological knowledge in Africa. The Lichenologist, 55(5), 169-179 (2023).


Schweiger, A., Ullmann, G., Nürk, N., Triebel, D., Schobert, R., Rambold, G.: Chemical properties of key metabolites determine the global distribution of lichens. Ecology Letters, 25(2), 416-426 (2022).

Krasylenko, Y., Kinge, T., Sosnovsky, Y., Atamas, N., Tofel, K., Horielov, O., Rambold, G.: Consuming and consumed : Biotic interactions of African mistletoes across different trophic levels. Biotropica, 54(4), 1103-1119 (2022).

Flessa, F., Babel, W., Kehl, A., Rambold, G., Kohl, M.: Effect of sap-feeding insects, plant characteristics, and weather parameters on sooty moulds in the temperate zone. Journal of Plant Pathology, 104, 1291-1301 (2022).


Gkoutselis, G., Rohrbach, S., Harjes, J., Obst, M., Brachmann, A., Horn, M., Rambold, G.: Microplastics accumulate fungal pathogens in terrestrial ecosystems. Scientific Reports, 11, 13214 (2021).

Flessa, F., Harjes, J., Cáceres, M., Rambold, G.: Comparative analyses of sooty mould communities from Brazil and Central Europe. Mycological Progress, 20(7), 869-887 (2021).


Harjes, J., Link, A., Weibulat, T., Triebel, D., Rambold, G.: FAIR digital objects in environmental and life sciences should comprise workflow operation design data and method information for repeatability of study setups and reproducibility of results. Database, baaa059 (2020).


Harjes, J., Triebel, D., Link, A., Weibulat, T., Glöckner, F., Rambold, G.: FAIR data in meta-omics research : Using the MOD-CO schema to describe structural and operational elements of workflows from field to publication. BISS : Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, 3, e37596 (2019).

Okach, D., Ondier, J., Rambold, G., Tenhunen, J., Huwe, B., Jung, E., Otieno, D.: Interaction of livestock grazing and rainfall manipulation enhances herbaceous species diversity and aboveground biomass in a humid savanna. Journal of Plant Research, 132(3), 345-358 (2019).

Okach, D., Ondier, J., Kumar, A., Rambold, G., Tenhunen, J., Huwe, B., Otieno, D.: Interactive influence of livestock grazing and manipulated rainfall on soil properties in a humid tropical savanna. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 19(3), 1088-1098 (2019).

Okach, D., Ondier, J., Kumar, A., Rambold, G., Tenhunen, J., Huwe, B., Otieno, D.: Livestock grazing and rainfall manipulation alter the patterning of CO2 fluxes and biomass development of the herbaceous community in a humid savanna. Plant Ecology, 220(11), 1085-1100 (2019).

Rambold, G., Yilmaz, P., Harjes, J., Klaster, S., Sanz, V., Link, A., Glöckner, F., Triebel, D.: Meta-omics data and collection objects (MOD-CO) : a conceptual schema and data model for processing sample data in meta-omics research. Database, baz002 (2019).

Brinker, P., Weig, A., Rambold, G., Feldhaar, H., Tragust, S.: Microbial community composition of nest-carton and adjoining soil of the ant Lasius fuliginosus and the role of host secretions in structuring microbial communities. Fungal Ecology, 38, 44-53 (2019).


Zamora, J., Svensson, M., De Kesel, A., Rambold, G., Ekman, S.: Considerations and consequences of allowing DNA sequence data as types of fungal taxa. IMA Fungus, 9, 167-175 (2018).

Peršoh, D., Stolle, N., Brachmann, A., Begerow, D., Rambold, G.: Fungal guilds are evenly distributed along a vertical spruce forest soil profile while individual fungi show pronounced niche partitioning. Mycological Progress, 17(8), 925-939 (2018).

Triebel, D., Reichert, W., Bosert, S., Feulner, M., Okach, D., Slimani, A., Rambold, G.: A generic workflow for effective sampling of environmental vouchers with UUID assignment and image processing. Database, bax096 (2018).

Werner, S., Peršoh, D., Rambold, G.: Insights into fungal communities colonizing the acarosphere in a forest soil habitat. Mycological Progress, 17(9), 1067-1085 (2018).

Parra, L., Zamora, J., Hawksworth, D., Hibbett, D., Kirk, P., Lücking, R., Rambold, G., Bensch, K., Yao, Y., Robert, V., Triebel, D.: Proposals for consideration at IMC11 to modify provisions related solely to fungi in the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants. IMA Fungus, 9, S. I-VII (2018).


Rambold, G., Bensch, K., Kirk, P., Yao, Y., Robert, V., Sanz, V., Triebel, D.: Citation of a taxon name identifier issued by the ICN-recognized registration repositories instead of taxon name author citation. Taxon, 66(5), 1200-1203 (2017).

Davydov, E., Peršoh, D., Rambold, G.: Umbilicariaceae (Lichenized Ascomycota) – Trait evolution and a new generic concept. Taxon, 66(6), 1282-1303 (2017).


Rambold, G., Zedda, L., Coyle, J., Peršoh, D., Köhler, T., Triebel, D.: Geographic heat maps of lichen traits derived by combining LIAS light description and GBIF occurrence data, provided on a new platform. Biodiversity and Conservation, 25(13), 2743-2751 (2016).

Schaeffer, A., Amelung, W., Hollert, H., Kästner, M., Kandeler, E., Kruse, J., Miltner, A., Ottermanns, R., Pagel, H., Peth, S., Poll, C., Rambold, G., Schloter, M., Schulz, S., Streck, T., Roß-Nickolla, M.: The impact of chemical pollution on the resilience of soils under multiple stresses : A conceptual framework for future research. Science of the Total Environment, 568, 1076-1085 (2016).

Werner, S., Peršoh, D., Rambold, G.: New aspects of the biology of Mortierella alliacea. Mycological Progress, 15(12), 1293-1301 (2016).


Knopf, E., Blaschke, H., Rambold, G., Murage, A., Kirika, P., Okaka, S.: Impacts of soil on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi : Growth responses of Moringa spp., plants sampled from Lake Victoria Basin. Journal of Biological Sciences, 16(1), 12-21 (2015).


Beck, A., Peršoh, D., Rambold, G.: First evidence for seasonal fluctuations in lichen and bark-colonizing fungal communities. Folia Microbiologica, 59(2), 155-157 (2014).

Kis-Papo, T., Weig, A., Riley, R., Peršoh, D., Salamov, A., Sun, H., Lipzen, A., Wasser, S., Rambold, G., Grigoriev, I., Nevo, E.: Genomic adaptations of the halophilic Dead Sea filamentous fungus Eurotium rubrum. Nature Communications, 5, 3745 (2014).

Rambold, G., Elix, J., Heindl-Tenhunen, B., Köhler, T., Nash, T., Neubacher, D., Reichert, W., Zedda, L., Triebel, D.: LIAS light – Towards the ten thousand species milestone. MycoKeys, 8, 11-16 (2014).

Greiner, K., Peršoh, D., Weig, A., Rambold, G.: Phialosimplex salinarum, a new species of Eurotiomycetes from a hypersaline habitat. IMA Fungus, 5, 161-172 (2014).


Weig, A., Peršoh, D., Werner, S., Betzlbacher, A., Rambold, G.: Diagnostic assessment of mycodiversity in environmental samples by fungal ITS1 rDNA length polymorphism. Mycological Progress, 12(4), 719-725 (2013).

Peršoh, D., Segert, J., Zigan, A., Rambold, G.: Fungal community composition shifts along a leaf degradation gradient in a European beech forest. Plant and Soil, 362(1/2), 175-186 (2013).

Rambold, G., Stadler, M., Begerow, D.: Mycology should be recognized as a field in biology at eye level with other major disciplines : a memorandum. Mycological Progress, 12(3), 455-463 (2013).


Triebel, D., Hagedorn, G., Rambold, G.: An appraisal of megascience platforms for biodiversity information. MycoKeys, 5, 45-63 (2012).

Werner, S., Peršoh, D., Rambold, G.: Basidiobolus haptosporus is frequently associated with the gamasid mite Leptogamasus obesus. Fungal Biology, 116(1), 90-97 (2012).

Peršoh, D., Rambold, G.: Lichen-associated fungi of the Letharietum vulpinae. Mycological Progress, 11(3), 753-760 (2012).

Pietrowski, A., Flessa, F., Rambold, G.: Towards an efficient phenotypic classification of fungal cultures from environmental samples using digital imagery. Mycological Progress, 11(2), 383-393 (2012).

Peršoh, D., Weig, A., Rambold, G.: A transcriptome-targeting EcoChip for assessing functional mycodiversity. Microarrays, 1(1), 25-41 (2012).


Valadbeigi, T., Sipman, H., Rambold, G.: The genus Immersaria (Lecideaceae) in Iran, including I. iranica sp. nov.. The Lichenologist, 43(3), 203-208 (2011).

Kehl, A., Rambold, G.: Interference of host plant morphology and phenology and their correlation with abundance patterns of the leaf galling sawfly Pontania proxima. Population Ecology, 53(1), 81-88 (2011).


Stadler, M., Fournier, J., Læssøe, T., Chlebicki, A., Lechat, C., Flessa, F., Rambold, G., Peršoh, D.: Chemotaxonomic and phylogenetic studies of Thamnomyces (Xylariaceae). Mycoscience, 51(3), 189-207 (2010).

Stadler, M., Fournier, J., Læssøe, T., Decock, C., Peršoh, D., Rambold, G.: Erratum to: Ruwenzoria, a new genus of the Xylariaceae from Central Africa. Mycological Progress, 9(2), 311-312 (2010).

Peršoh, D., Melcher, M., Flessa, F., Rambold, G.: First fungal community analyses of endophytic ascomycetes associated with Viscum album ssp. austriacum and its host Pinus sylvestris. Fungal Biology, 114(7), 585-596 (2010).

Kehl, A., Dötterl, S., Aas, G., Rambold, G.: Is flower scent influencing host plant selection of leaf-galling sawflies (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae) on willows?. Chemoecology, 20(3), 215-221 (2010).

Stadler, M., Fournier, J., Læssøe, T., Decock, C., Peršoh, D., Rambold, G.: Ruwenzoria, a new genus of the Xylariaceae from Central Africa. Mycological Progress, 9(2), 169-179 (2010).

Davydov, E., Peršoh, D., Rambold, G.: The systematic position of Lasallia caroliniana (Tuck.) Davydov, Peršoh & Rambold comb. nova and considerations on the generic concept of Lasallia (Umbilicariaceae, Ascomycota). Mycological Progress, 9(2), 261-266 (2010).


Cáceres, M., Lücking, R., Rambold, G.: Efficiency of sampling methods for accurate estimation of species richness of corticolous microlichens in the Atlantic rainforest of northeastern Brazil. Biodiversity and Conservation, 17(6), 1285-1301 (2008).

Kehl, A., Aas, G., Rambold, G.: Genotypical and multiple phenotypical traits discriminate Salix × rubens Schrank clearly from its parent species. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 275(3–4), 169-179 (2008).


Cáceres, M., Lücking, R., Rambold, G.: Phorophyte specificity and environmental parameters versus stochasticity as determinants for species composition of corticolous crustose lichen communities in the Atlantic rain forest of northeastern Brazil. Mycological Progress, 6(3), 117-136 (2007).


Peršoh, D., Beck, A., Rambold, G.: The distribution of ascus types and photobiontal selection in Lecanoromyces (Ascomycota) against the background of a revised SSU nrDNA phylogeny. Mycological Progress, 3(2), 103-121 (2004).


Helms, G., Friedl, T., Rambold, G.: Phylogenetic relationships of the Physciaceae inferred from rDNA sequence data and selected phenotypic characters. Mycologia, 95(6), 1078-1099 (2003).


Nash, T., Gries, C., Rambold, G.: Lichen Floras: Past and Future for North America. The Bryologist, 105(4), 635-640 (2002).

Beck, A., Kasalicky, T., Rambold, G.: Myco-photobiontal selection in a Mediterranean cryptogam community with Fulgensia fulgida. New Phytologist, 153(2), 317-326 (2002).

Peršoh, D., Rambold, G.: Phacopsis — a lichenicolous genus of the family Parmeliaceae. Mycological Progress, 1(1), 43-55 (2002).


Helms, G., Friedl, T., Rambold, G., Mayrhofer, H.: Identification of photobionts from the lichen family Physciaceae using algal-specific ITS rDNA sequencing. The Lichenologist, 33(1), 73-86 (2001).


Agerer, R., Ammirati, J., Blanz, P., Courtecuisse, R., Desjardin, D., Gams, W., Hallenberg, N., Halling, R., Hawksworth, D., Horak, E., Korf, R., Müller, G., Oberwinkler, F., Rambold, G., Summerbell, R., Triebel, D., Watling, R.: Always deposit vouchers. Mycological Research, 104(6), 642-644 (2000).

Kasalicky, T., Döring, H., Rambold, G., Wedin, M.: A comparison of ITS and LSU nrDNA phylogenies of Fulgensia (Teloschistaceae, Lecanorales), a genus of lichenised ascomycetes. Canadian Journal of Botany, 78(12), 1580-1589 (2000).

Hagedorn, G., Rambold, G.: A method to establish and revise descriptive data sets over the internet. Taxon, 49(3), 517-528 (2000).


Beck, A., Friedl, T., Rambold, G.: Selectivity of photobiont choice in a defined lichen community: inferences from cultural and molecular studies. New Phytologist, 139(4), 709-720 (1998).

Calatayud, V., Rambold, G.: Two new species of the lichen genus Immersaria (Porpidiaceae). The Lichenologist, 30(3), 231-244 (1998).


Rambold, G., Agerer, R.: DEEMY – the concept of a characterization and determination system for ectomycorrhizae. Mycorrhiza, 7(2), 113-116 (1997).

Matzer, M., Mayrhofer, H., Rambold, G.: Diploicia africana comb. nov. (lichenized Ascomycetes, Physciaceae), an endemic species from the Cape Province (South Africa). Nordic Journal of Botany, 17(4), 433-438 (1997).

Books and Book sections


Triebel, D., Grunz, A., Seifert, S., Link, A., Rambold, G.: DiversityNaviKey, a Progressive Web Application for interactive diagnosis and identification. In: INFORMATIK 2021 : Computer Science & Sustainability. - Bonn : Gesellschaft für Informatik, 2021. - 517-538.


Zedda, L., Rambold, G.: The Diversity of Lichenised Fungi : Ecosystem Functions and Ecosystem Services. In: Upreti, Dalip K. ; Divakar, Pradeep K. ; Shukla, Vertika ; Bajpai, Rajesh (Hrsg.): Recent Advances in Lichenology : Modern Methods and Approaches in Lichen Systematics and Culture Techniques. Volume 2. - New Delhi : Springer India, 2015. - 121-145.


Zedda, L., Kong, S., Rambold, G.: Morphological groups as a surrogate for soil lichen biodiversity in Southern Africa. In: Bates, Scott T. (Hrsg.): Biomonitoring, ecology and systematics of lichens : recognizing the lichenological legacy of Thomas H. Nash III on his 65th birthday. - Stuttgart : Cramer, 2011. - 391-408.


Haarmeyer, D., Zedda, L., Rambold, G.: The BIOTA Observatories. In: Biodiversity in Southern Africa. Band 1. Patterns in Space and Time at the Local Scale. - Göttingen : Hess, 2010. - 6-801.

Triebel, D., Neubacher, D., Weiss, M., Heindl-Tenhunen, B., Nash, T., Rambold, G.: Integrated biodiversity data networks for lichenology : data flows and challenges. In: Nash, Thomas H. (Hrsg.): Biology of lichens : symbiosis, ecology, environmental monitoring, systematics and cyber applications ; selected papers related in part to the IAL 6 Symposium, Asilomar, California 2008. - Stuttgart : Cramer, 2010. - 47-56.

Zedda, L., Gröngröft, A., Schultz, M., Petersen, A., Mills, A., Rambold, G.: Patterns of soil lichen diversity along the BIOTA transect in relation to climate and soil features. In: Schmiedel, U., Jürgens, N. (Hrsg.): Biodiversity in southern Africa. Band 2. Patterns and processes at regional scale. - Göttingen : Hess, 2010. - 100-106.

Hagedorn, G., Rambold, G., Martellos, S.: Types of identification keys. In: Nimis Pier L. (Hrsg.): Tools for Identifying Biodiversity : Progress and Problems : proceedings of the international congress, Paris, September 20 - 22, 2010, Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle - Grand Amphithéâtre. - Trieste : EUT, 2010. - 59-64.


Jablonski, S., Kehl, A., Neubacher, D., Poschlod, P., Rambold, G., Schneider, T., Triebel, D., Volz, B., Weiss, M.: DiversityMobile : Mobile Data Retrieval Platform for Biodiversity Research Projects. In: Fischer, Stefan (Hrsg.): Informatik 2009 - Im Focus das Leben : Beiträge der 39. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V. (GI). - Bonn : 2009. - 610-624.

Schultz, M., Zedda, L., Rambold, G.: New records of lichen taxa from Namibia and South Africa. In: Aptroot, André (Hrsg.): Biodiversity and ecology of lichens : liber amicorum Harrie Sipman. - Berlin : Cramer, 2009. - 315-334.


Kehl, A., Rambold, G.: Abschlussbericht der IT-Fachgruppe (GBIF-D) : Workshops zur Informationstechnik im Bereich Biodiversitätsinformatik ; Dokumentation und Analyse von IT-Entwicklungen. - Bayreuth : 2008. - 148


Triebel, D., Peršoh, D., Nash, T., Zedda, L., Rambold, G.: LIAS - An interactive database system for structured descriptive data of Ascomycetes. In: Curry, Gordon B. (Hrsg.): Biodiversity databases : techniques, politics, and applications. - Boca Raton, Fla. : CRC, 2007. - 99-110.


Zedda, L., Rambold, G.: Lichens and their importance for the monitoring of envrionmental changes in Southern Africa : with special reference to soil-inhabiting lichens. - Bayreuth : 2006. - 15


Zedda, L., Neubacher, D., Rambold, G.: Monitoring lichen diversity in Southern Africa and development of an integrated management and analysis system for georeferenced lichenological data. In: BIOLOG Biodiversity and Global Change Status Report. - Würzburg : 2005. - 99-100.


Büdel, B., Deutschewitz, K., Dojani, S., Hörsch, B., Loris, K., Rambold, G., Reisser, W., Salisch, M., Schultz, C., Weber, B., Wirth, V., Zedda, L.: Biodiversity and ecology of biological soil crusts (BSCs) : from the micro-scale to the ecosystem scale. In: Erwin Beck (eds.): Sustainable use and conservation of biological diversity : a challenge for society ; proceedings of the International Symposium Berlin, 1 - 4 December 2003. - Bonn : PT-DLR Environmental Research and Technology, 2004. - 142-144.

Knoph, J., Rambold, G., Triebel, D., Kainz, C.: Carbonea. In: Thomas H. Nash (eds.): Lichen flora of the greater Sonoran Desert region. Band 2. Most of the microlichens, balance of the macrolichens, and the lichenicolous fungi. - Tempe, Arizona : Lichens Unlimited, Arizona State Univ., 2004. - 54-55.

Contributions to lichenology : Festschrift in Honour of Hannes Hertel. - Döbbeler, P., Rambold, G. (eds.). - Berlin ; Stuttgart : Cramer in der Gebr.-Borntraeger-Verl.-Buchh., 2004.

Zedda, L., Rambold, G.: Diversity change of soil-growing lichens along a climate gradient in Southern Africa. In: Peter Döbbeler, Gerhard Rambold (eds.): Contributions to Lichenology : Festschrift in Honour of Hannes Hertel. - Berlin : Cramer, 2004. - 701-716.

Triebel, D., Peršoh, D., Nash, T., Zedda, L., Rambold, G.: LIAS - an online database system for descriptive data of ascomycetes. In: Tiina Randlane (eds.): Lichens in focus : book of abstracts of the 5th IAL symposium. - Tartu : Tartu Univ. Press, 2004.

Nash, T., Kainz, C., Zedda, L., Ryan, B., Rambold, G.: Miriquidica. In: Thomas H. Nash (eds.): Lichen flora of the greater Sonoran Desert region. Band 2. Most of the microlichens, balance of the macrolichens, and the lichenicolous fungi. - Tempe, Arizona : Lichens Unlimited, Arizona State Univ., 2004. - 361-363.

Davydov, E., Peršoh, D., Rambold, G.: Phylogenetic analyses of the lichen family Umbilicariaceae based on material from Siberia. In: Tiina Randlane (eds.): Lichens in focus : book of abstracts of the 5th IAL symposium. - Tartu : Tartu Univ. Press, 2004.

Kainz, C., Rambold, G.: A phylogenetic study of the lichen genus Protoblastenia (Lecanorales, Psoraceae) in Central Europe. In: Peter Döbbeler, Gerhard Rambold (eds.): Contributions to lichenology : Festschrift in honour of Hannes Hertel. - Berlin : Cramer, 2004. - 267-299.

Kainz, C., Rambold, G.: Rimularia. In: Thomas Nash (eds.): Lichen flora of the greater Sonoran Desert region. Bd. 2. Most of the microlichens, balance of the macrolichens, and the lichenicolous fungi. - Tempe, Arizona : Lichens Unlimited, Arizona State Univ., 2004. - 466-467.

Rambold, G., Bungartz, F., Peršoh, D.: Structural optimisation of the global information system LIAS by establishing a LIAS names server and expanding the Descriptors Workbench. In: Walter G. Berendsohn (eds.): GBIF-D: German Participation in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility : Projects in the German National Programme for the Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2003-2006 ; Status Report 2004. - Bonn : PT-DLR Environmental Research and Technology, 2004.


Zedda, L., Rambold, G.: Diversity of soil-growing lichen communities in the quartz fields of the Knersvlakte (RSA). In: Biodiversity - from patterns to processes : Kurzfassungen der Beiträge. - Göttingen : Verl. Die Werkstatt, 2003. - 344.

Peršoh, D., Rambold, G.: Fungal diversity in the host lichen Letharia vulpina. In: Biodiversity - from patterns to processes : Kurzfassungen der Beiträge. - Göttingen : Verl. Die Werkstatt, 2003. - 161.

Rambold, G., Zedda, L.: Monitoring lichen diversity in Southern Africa and development of an integrated management and analysis system for georeferenced lichenological data. In: Sustainable use and conservation of biological diversity : a challenge for society. A. Symposium report. - Bonn : 2003. - 142-143.

Rambold, G., Peršoh, D.: Structural optimization of the global information system LIAS by establishing a LIAS names server and expanding the Descriptors Workbench.. In: Sustainable use and conservation of biological diversity : a challenge for society. A. Symposium report. - Bonn : 2003. - 249-250.


Weber, B., Siber, R., Rambold, G., Büdel, B.: Datenhaltung, Analyse und Darstellung der Biodiversität und Verbreitungsmuster biologischer Bodenkrusten anhand GIS. In: Angewandte Geographische Informationsverarbeitung XIV. - Heidelberg : Wichmann, 2002. - 595-600.

Nash, T., Peršoh, D., Barreno, E., Wojciechowski, M., Rambold, G.: Lichenicolous lichens: Independent lines of evolution? - Evidence from Acarospora stapfiana. In: The 7th International Mycological Congress, Oslo 11-17 August 2002 : book of abstracts. - Oslo : Congress Secretariat, 2002. - 222.

Rambold, G.: Computer-Aided Identification Systems for Biology, with Particular Reference to Lichens. In: Ilse C. Kranner (eds.): Protocols in lichenology : culturing, biochemistry, ecophysiology and use in biomonitoring. - Berlin : Springer, 2002. - 536-553.


Zedda, L., Büdel, B., Feuerer, T., Rambold, G.: Biological soil crusts and lichen diversity in south-western Africa : developments of the BIOTA subproject S05. In: Funktionelle Bedeutung von Biodiversität. - Berlin : Parey, 2001. - 300.

Büdel, B., Loris, K., Wirth, V., Zedda, L., Dojani, S., Feuerer, T., Küppers, M., Lücking, R., Ott, S., Reisser, W., Salisch, M., Rambold, G.: Biological soil crusts of terrestrial ecosystems : modes of pattern formation and their modelling concerning diversity structure and function in cryptogamic communities. In: BIOLOG - German programme on biodiversity and global change : (phase 1, 2000 - 2004) ; status report 2001. - Bonn : DLR, 2001. - 108-109.

Zedda, L., Büdel, B., Feuerer, T., Rambold, G.: Croste biologiche e diversità lichenica nel'Africa sud-occidentale: il progetto BIOTA S05. - Rom : 2001.

Owe-Larsson, B., Rambold, G.: The sorediate species of the lichen genus Miriquidica (Lecanorales, Lecanoraceae). In: Patrick M. McCarthy (eds.): Lichenological contributions in honour of Jack Elix. - Berlin : Cramer, 2001. - 335-364.


Rambold, G., Triebel, D.: Generic concepts in lichenized and lichenicolous ascomycetes since 1950 — a historical approach. In: Jan-Eric Mattsson (eds.): Swedish lichenology : dedicated to Roland Moberg. - Stockholm : Almqvist & Wiksell, 1999. - 123-164.


Rambold, G.: LIAS – the concept of an identification system for lichenized and lichenicolous ascomycetes. In: Roman Türk (eds.): Progress and problems in lichenology in the nineties : proceedings. - Berlin : Cramer, 1997. - 67-72.


Agerer, R., Rambold, G.: DEEMY : a DELTA-based system for characterization and DEtermination of EctoMYcorrhizae. - München : 1996.

Other publications


Liu, J., Greiner, K., Rambold, G.: Fungal diversity notes 1–110: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal species. Fungal Diversity, 72(1), 1-197 (2015).


Hagedorn, G., Plank, A., Link, A., Rambold, G., Triebel, D.: DiversityDescriptions information model (version 3.00.10, 17 July 2014), Diversity Workbench, 2014


Hagedorn, G., Plank, A., Link, A., Rambold, G., Triebel, D.: DiversityDescriptions information model (version 3.00.07, 10 September 2013), Diversity Workbench, 2013

Flessa, F., Rambold, G.: Diversity of the Capnocheirides rhododendri-dominated fungal community in the phyllosphere of Rhododendron ferrugineum L.. Nova Hedwigia, 97(1/2), 19-53 (2013).

Weig, A., Peršoh, D., Rambold, G.: EcoChips für die Erforschung mikrobieller Lebensgemeinschaften. BIOspektrum, 19(4), 382-385 (2013).


Flessa, F., Peršoh, D., Rambold, G.: Annuality of Central European deciduous tree leaves delimits community development of epifoliar pigmented fungi. Fungal Ecology, 5(5), 554-561 (2012).


Zedda, L., Gröngröft, A., Schultz, M., Petersen, A., Mills, A., Rambold, G.: Distribution patterns of soil lichens across different biomes of southern Africa. Journal of Arid Environments, 75(2), 215-220 (2011).

Gams, W., Jaklitsch, W., Rambold, G.: Fungal nomenclature 3 : A critical response to the ‘Amsterdam Declaration’. Mycotaxon, 116, 501-512 (2011).


Zedda, L., Rambold, G.: Diversity and ecology of soil lichens in the Knersvlakte (South Africa). The Bryologist, 112(1), 19-29 (2009).

Zedda, L., Schultz, M., Rambold, G.: Diversity of epiphytic lichens in the savannah biome of Namibia. Herzogia, 22, 153-164 (2009).

Peršoh, D., Melcher, M., Graf, K., Fournier, J., Stadler, M., Rambold, G.: Molecular and morphological evidence for the delimitation of Xylaria hypoxylon. Mycologia, 101(2), 256-268 (2009).

Peršoh, D., Rambold, G.: New protocols for the extraction of nucleic acids from soil. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 107(6), 2118 (2009).


Cáceres, M., Lücking, R., Rambold, G.: Corticolous microlichens in northeastern Brazil : habitat differentiation between coastal Mata Atlântica, Caatinga and Brejos de Altitude. The Bryologist, 111(1), 98-117 (2008).

Peršoh, D., Theuerl, S., Buscot, F., Rambold, G.: Towards a universally adaptable method for quantitative extraction of high-purity nucleic acids from soil. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 75(1), 19-24 (2008).


Rambold, G., Triebel, D.: Genera of lichenized and lichenicolous Ascomycetes – LIAS: A Global Information System for Lichenized and Non-Lichenized Ascomycetes, 2007


Eriksson, O., Baral, H., Hansen, K., Kurtzman, C., Rambold, G., Læssøe, T.: Notes on ascomycete systematics. Nos 3624-3911. Myconet, 10, 101-143 (2004).

Eriksson, O., Baral, H., Currah, R., Hansen, K., Kurtzman, C., Rambold, G., Læssøe, T.: Outline of Ascomycota - 2004. Myconet, 10, 1-99 (2004).


Eriksson, O., Baral, H., Currah, R., Hansen, K., Kurtzman, C., Rambold, G., Læssøe, T.: Notes on ascomycete systematics : Nos 3580-3623. Myconet, 9, 92-103 (2003).

Eriksson, O., Baral, H., Currah, R., Hansen, K., Kurtzman, C., Rambold, G., Læssøe, T.: Outline of Ascomycota : 2003. Myconet, 9, 1-89 (2003).


Eriksson, O., Baral, H., Currah, R., Hansen, K., Kurtzman, C., Læssøe, T., Rambold, G.: Notes on ascomycete systematics : Nos 3304–3579. Myconet, 8, 1-54 (2002).


Eriksson, O., Baral, H., Currah, R., Hansen, K., Kurtzman, C., Læssøe, T., Rambold, G.: Notes on ascomycete systematics : Nos 3128-3302. Myconet, 6, 1-26 (2001).

Eriksson, O., Baral, H., Currah, R., Hansen, K., Kurtzman, C., Læssøe, T., Rambold, G.: Outline of Ascomycota – 2001. Myconet, 7, 1-88 (2001).


Rambold, G., Meier, C., Thamerus, M.: A comparative study on structure and functionality of asci in species of Rhizocarpon. Cryptogamie Bryologie Lichenologie, 19(1-2), 247-255 (1998).

Rambold, G., Friedl, T., Beck, A.: Photobionts in Lichens: Possible Indicators of Phylogenetic Relationships?. The Bryologist, 101(3), 392-397 (1998).

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