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Maren Dubbert: Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum vitae

 Bachelor of Science at the Department of Experimental and Systems Ecology (University of Bielefeld)

Thesis: “Untersuchung zur Ammonium- und Nitrataufnahmeeffizienz verschiedener Arten im Ökosystem Binnendünen mit Hilfe von 15N-Labeling” (together with S Jerrentrup)


Master of Science at the Department of Experimental and Systems Ecology (University of Bielefeld with Jun. Prof.  C Werner, co-oriented by Prof. C Máguas, FCUL, Lisbon, Portugal)

Thesis: "Species-specific differences in photosynthetic and post-photosynthetic fractionation processes, altering d13C on temporal and spatial scales"

since Jan. 2010

PhD student in DFG project:

"Disentangling seasonal vegetation effects on ecosystem evapotranspiration and water use efficiency of a Mediterranean savannah-type oak forest” (“Waterflux”)

Jan. 2010 - June 2012 Research assistent at the Department of Experimental and Systems Ecolog (University of Bielefeld); experimental parts in Portugal (Universidade Técnica de Lisboa)

since July 2012


 Research assistent at the Department of Agroecosystem Research (University Bayreuth)


Dr. rer. nat. (magna cum laude; 0.3); Thesis: "Water balance and productivity of a Mediterranean oak woodland. Quantifying understory vegetation impacts by development of a stable oxygen isotope partitioning approach".


Awards and Grants
Oct. 2008 - June 2009

Erasmus scholarship (Lisbon, Portugal)

Oct. 2009 - Dec. 2009 University of Bielefeld, Dept. of Biology Fund for Advancement of Women
Oct. 2011 Best Poster Award at the GASIR annual meeting (Villingen, Switzerland, October 10-12): "Seasdonal dynamics in understory evapotranspiration (ET) and soil evaporation (E) and d18OET and d18OE in a Mediterranean cork-oak forest"


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