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P-TRAP / Teilprojekt 9 / Studying the effect of Fe addition to sediments on the sedimentary biogeochemical processes

EU-Projekt, Grant Agreement No. 813 438

From 03/2019 to 02/2023

Principal Investigator: Stefan Peiffer, Thilo Behrends
Staff: Karel As

Project description: This project is part of the European H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network P-TRAP (Preventing Phosphorus Input to Surface Waters – New Concepts in Trapping, Recycling and Management). P-TRAP tackles two urgent interlinked global problems: Potential shortages of phosphate for producing agricultural fertilizers and the decline of surface water quality upon excess phosphate input. P-TRAP targets the P flux from artificially drained agricultural areas and the internal P load of lakes. By this, P-TRAP aims at intercepting the undesired flux of phosphate from agricultural systems into surface waters and developing a phosphate recycling strategy. The project of ESR 9 aims to determine the dynamics of major biogeochemical cycles (C,N,Fe,S) and solute fluxes studying pore-water composition, solid phase speciation and turnover rates (e. g. sulphate reduction rates) in P-rich aquatic systems. The effect of biogeochemical cycles on the mobilisation of P considering will be numerically simulated using an early diagenetic modelling approach emphasizing the role of iron hydroxides as a geochemical barrier

Homepage: https://h2020-p-trap.eu/esr-9/

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