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Workshop on “Scaling problems in the carbon and water cycle” within the DFG Tibetan Plateau (TiP) Young scientist program

Mo. 2011-03-14-Sa. 2011-03-19

The workshop will be hosted at the University of Bayreuth, and will include a theoretical introduction in the topic “Scaling problems in the carbon and water cycle” as well as two practically orientated parts, focusing on measurement techniques and data processing.

Within the common “Atmosphere-Ecology-Glaciology Cluster” of TiP, the involved research groups measure Carbon and Water fluxes on various spatial scales. Due to these different scales interpretation of the measured results becomes difficult. As the involved subprojects are working on problems on a landscape scale, it is essential to match observations from different measurement techniques. The aim of this workshop is to improve the knowledge of the participants in the different measurement techniques, the underlying theory and the specific processes. By working on a real data set the communication between ecologists with different background in soil science, hydrology, plant ecology, biogeography and atmospheric studies should be improved.

The talks on Monday, Tuesday morning as well as the talk by Y. Kuzyakov are public. In case of interest to participate in the whole workshop, please contact tobias.biermann@unibayreuth. de.

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