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Disparities in the Development of South Korea’s Agricultural Regions - Approaches to and Resources for Geographical Fieldwork in Korea

Presenting person: Prof. Eckart Dege, University of Kiel
We. 2009-11-11 (18:30-20:00), H6

Contact: Detlef Müller-Mahn


The lecture discusses research conducted to explain intrasectoral disparities in South Korea's agriculture in order to evaluate the process of differentiation between subsistence and market oriented farms. This research was conducted on two levels. (1) On the national level (differentiation between active and passive regions) the national statistics were analyzed with multivariate methods. (2) On the local level (socioeconomic stratification within the rural population) socioeconomic village surveys were carried out in selected villages. The research on the local level involved land use mapping to assess the productive basis and interviews to clarify the economic and social conditions of the rural households.

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