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Peak Oil - a Turning Point for Europe

Presenting person: Dr. Colin J. Campbell, Gründer der Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas (Aspo)
Th. 2007-01-18 (16:15), H6

Oil and gas were formed in the geological past and are therefore subject to depletion. The geology of occurrence is now well understood, revealing that the bulk of the world\'s oil comes from just two brief epochs of global warming 90 and 150 million years ago. Virtually all the prolific provinces have been identified. World discovery peaked 40 years ago and production has to mirror discovery after a time lapse, meaning that the corresponding peak of production is imminent.
Accordingly, it is clear that we come to the end of the First Half of the Age of Oil. It lasted 150 years and witnessed the rapid expansion of industry, transport, trade and agriculture, allowing the population to grow sixfold in parallel. It also saw the rapid increase in financial capital as banks lent more than they had on deposit, confident that Tomorrow\'s oil-fired Expansion was collateral for Today\'s Debt.
The Second Half of the Oil Age now dawns, and will be marked by the decline of oil followed by gas and all that depend on these easy, cheap and abundant sources of energy. The transition threatens to be a time of great international and economic tension, but it is not a doomsday situation as a new benign age may follow in which people gain a better respect for themselves, their neighbours and the environment within which Nature has ordained them to live.

Dr. Colin J. Campbell ist pensionierter englischer Geologe, der vorausgesagt hat, dass die Öl-Produktion 2007 ihren Höhepunkt erreicht haben wird und infolge der damit einhergehenden allmählichen Verknappung die Öl- und besonders die Treibstoffpreise drastisch steigen werden.
Nach Studium und Promotion (1957) in Oxford arbeitete Campbell seit 1957 auf der ganzen Welt für großen Ölunternehmen, u. a. BP, Shell. Er ist Gründer der Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas (Aspo), ein internationales Netzwerk von Wissenschaftern und Geologen.
2004 machte er einen als Rimini-Protokoll bekannt gewordenen Vorschlag, um die negativen Effekte des Peak-Oil gering zu halten.

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