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Human-Wildlife Conflicts (HWC) in Southern Africa

Presenting person: Dr. Richard E. Hoare, Wildlife Veterinarian, Zimbabwe and Botswana (Homepage)
Th. 2023-04-06

Dr. Richard E. Hoare is a Wildlife Veterinarian in Zimbabwe and Botswana. He is a member of the IUCN African Elephant Specialist Group (IUCN AfESG), IUCN Human-Wildlife Conflict Taskforce (IUCN HWCTF) and IUCN Wildlife Health Specialist Group (IUCN WHSG). Dr. Hoare serves as an independent consultant to several conservation NGOs in Zimbabwe and throughout Africa.


  • Wild species which are problematic in conflicts worldwide will be listed and illustrated.
  • International bodies that deal with HWC will be mentioned.
  • Principles of HWC mitigation (that apply across many species) will be emphasised and explained.
  • Case studies on the major HWC conflict species in Africa will be used to illustrate HWC mitigation measures in practice.
  • Ways of evaluating the success of these HWC mitigation measures will be discussed.
  • Topics for advocacy by researchers on national HWC policies will be discussed.


*** invited by Dr. Pedro Gerstberger (former BayCEER member, Plant Ecology) and Prof. Dr. Steven Higgins (Professor Plant Ecology)


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