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Linear regression, model specification errors, and the modifiable areal unit problem

Presenting person: Dr. Xiang Ye, Shenzhen University
Tu. 2022-05-10 (16:15-17:45), online via ZOOM

Spatially aggregated data sets are very commonly adopted by geographers and
experts from other nearby disciplines. is way of organizing the observations
provides many amenities including facilitating statistical works, protecting priva-
cy, and cooperating smoothly with the administration, but comes with a price: the
modiable areal unit problem (MAUP). e MAUP refers to the sensitivities or
inconsistencies of analysis results brought by the different spatial congurations
of the same study area. Many empirical studies have documented the extensive
impacts brought by the MAUP; however, the mechanism it reshapes the analysis
results is not as straightforward as one may anticipate. Sometimes, it does not
cause the trouble directly, but leverage the aermath of other imperfections. In
this talk, I will share some ndings of how the MAUP will affect the regression
results through the channel of model specication errors, and the opportunities
that how we can possibly benet from this ‘problem’ in alternative scenarios.

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