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Non-target analysis of atmospheric aerosol samples – opportunities of the “aerosolomics”-approach

Presenting person: Prof. Dr. Alexander Vogel, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Institut für Atmosphäre und Umwelt, AG Atmosphärische Umweltanalytik (Homepage)
Th. 2021-06-10 (12:15-13:45)

Modern analytical methods pave the way for new discoveries. In this talk we will learn how non-target-screening methods of HPLC/HRMS (high performance liquid chromatography / high-resolution mass spectrometry)-measurements enable to visualize the chemical composition of environmental samples, especially the organic fraction of atmospheric aerosol. In the scientific community, it is now well recognized that the organic fraction in atmospheric particulate matter (PM) contributes most to the total PM burden, however, the sources and transformation pathways are not comprehensively understood. A new top-down source attribution approach will be presented – a method that has the potential to increase our knowledge on the relevant precursor vapours for the formation of secondary PM. Furthermore, the talk will give some insight about how anthropogenic emissions have altered organic aerosol composition in the Anthropocene, based on non-target screening of an Alpine ice core, and finally, how the non-target analysis approach is capable of resolving the chemical composition of even the tiniest particles in the atmosphere: ultrafine particles in the vicinity of Frankfurt Airport.


Invited by Anke Nölscher, Atmospheric Chemistry

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