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Spatial modeling of cutaneous leishmaniasis in the Andean region of Colombia

Presenting person: Prof. Dr. Carlos Valderrama, Biological Sciences, Universidad Icesi, Cali, Colombia (Homepage)
Th. 2019-05-23 (12:00-13:30)

American cutaneous leishmaniasis, produced by parasites of the genus Leishmania spp, is a zoonosis that affects people from rural areas in Colombia. Traditionally, it has been considered as a work-related illness associated with the intervention of peasants and settlers, opening an agricultural frontier and penetrating tropical rainforests. However, the most recent outbreaks of the disease in the center of the country (Andean zone) have shown important changes in the pattern of transmission of the disease affecting women and children in the domestic area. We have studied the effect of plant cover and the degree of habitat transformation on the diversity of phlebotomine vector species (Psychodidae) associated with domicile in five localities of the Andean region. We have focused on developing technological methods to identify areas of greatest risk of transmission through niche models of the main vectors and short-term field samplings.



Invited by Charlotte Hopfe, Fiberlab/Chair of Biomaterials - in cooperation with Stephanie Thomas, Biogeography

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