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BayCEER - Bayreuth Center of Ecology and Environmental Research

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Biology and Art - A natural combination

Presenting person: Dr. Damond Kyllo, Dakyllo Design (Homepage)
We. 2016-06-01 (12:00), K1, GEO

Biology and Arts / Damond Kyllo

As biologist, Dr. Damond Kyllo worked on the ecological roles of mycorrhizas and endophytic fungi in tropical plants. 

As an artist and ecucator he uses illustration as a tool to explain research and the natural world to a general audience. A picture may be worth a thousand words.

He is responsible for layout and design of the interpretive trail "Auenlehrpfad", coordinated by BayCEER and presented at the Landesgartenschau 2016.

How to combine biology and art?
Come and see!

The discussion with him is open to all

who are interested in the topic!




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