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Beyond Seasons: Learning to live well with variability and uncertainty

Presenting person: Prof. Dr. Libby Robin, Australian National University, Canberra (Homepage)
Mo. 2015-12-07 (14:15), S 120, GW I

Libby Robin is professor of the history of science and environmental ideas at the Australian National University, Canberra, and senior research fellow at the National Museum of Australia. She has published widely in the history of science, international and comparative environmental history, and the ecological humanities. She is, moreover, the winner of national and international book awards in history, zoology, and literature.

With a focus on the specific seasonality that marks the Australian continent, Prof. Robin’s talk will focus on the dynamic planetary shifts in the context of global climate change and the emergence of the Anthropocene. She will pay particular attention to the natural history of Australia's charismatic birds to explore the relations between fauna, people, and environment in a continent where variability is ‘normal’ and rainfall patterns not always seasonal.



at the Bayreuth Institute of American Studies BIFAS

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