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Science-policy-interface on biodiversity and ecosystem services: theory and practice

Presenting person: Dr. Carsten Neßhöver, Dep. Conservation Biology, UFZ Science-Policy Expert Group, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Leipzig (Homepage)
Th. 2014-05-08 (10:30-11:30), K1, GEO

Carsten Neßhöver

Dr. Carsten Neßhöver is Deputy Head of the Department of Conservation Biology at the Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ in Leipzig, Germany. He studied Geo-ecology in Bayreuth and also accomplished his Ph.D. here at the Chair of Biogeography in 2005.

His work focuses mainly on the science-policy interfaces for biodiversity and ecosystem services on different levels (details below).

The discussion with him is open to all

who are interested in the topic!





Projects and functions of Carsten Neßhöver:

  • implementation of the national platform for biodiversity research in Germany together with other partners (www.biodiversity.de)
  •   design of a network of knowledge to better support evidence-based policy making in Europe in the Coordination Action KNEU (www.biodiversitknowledge.eu) 
  • engagement in research projects on science-policy-interfaces (e.g., SPIRAL-project, www.spiral-project.net)
  • secretary of the Steering Committee of the European Platform for Biodiversity research Strategy (EPBRS)
  • Scientific Coordination carried out by UFZ for the international study on The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (vice-coordinator 2008 to 2010, TEEB, www.teebweb.org)


Carsten Neßhöver was invited as expert in the field of science-policy-interfacing within the Global Change Ecology seminar "Project Management and Scientific Coordination" (WS 2013/14).




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