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2017-01-18Stories of Tomorrow ...more
2017-01-03Energy and Matter Fluxes of a Spruce Forest Ecosystem ...more
2016-12-20ERC Consolidator Grant ...more
2016-12-08Dreiklang Forschung, Naturschutz, Fischerei: Rückblick ...more
2016-12-07New Classification System for European Vegetation ...more
2016-11-21Africa’s tallest trees ...more
2016-11-11Special issue on Palaearctic steppes published ...more
2016-11-07Global vegetation-plot database sPlot 2.1 ...more
2016-10-27Stadtgespräch: Mikroplastik in Flüssen und Seen ...more
2016-10-27In Bildern erzählt: Forschung im tropische Bergregenwald ...more
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