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BayCEER - Bayreuth Center of Ecology and Environmental Research

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2021-02-09Online-Vortrag: Mit dem Kanu durch den Regenwald ...more
2021-02-06University of Bayreuth again awarded as Fairtrade-University ...more
2021-01-28Botanists from Bayreuth explore the unique flora of New Caledonia ...more
2021-01-21Extinction risk controlled by interaction of long-term and short-term climate change ...more
2021-01-15Baum des Jahres 2021 ...more
2021-01-08Skifreuden in Mittelgebirgen werden bald zur Rarität ...more
2021-01-08Full Professor of Soil Physics ...more
2020-12-30Protected Areas Are Not Safe from Climate Change ...more
2020-12-30At the top of the "Nature Index Germany": Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Bayreuth ...more
2020-12-18High number of extinct bird species leads to misinterpretation of evolutionary dynamics ...more
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