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BayCEER - Bayreuth Center of Ecology and Environmental Research

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2022-04-13Titan arum flowered for the 6th time in the EBG ...more
2022-04-13Pflanzaktion Klimawald 6.0 ...more
2022-04-07New QS Ranking: University of Bayreuth in the world top 20 percent in environmental and earth sciences ...more
2022-03-31New publication in the journal "Water Research" ...more
2022-03-21Weltwassertag 2022: Lebensgrundlage Grundwasser aktiv pflegen! ...more
2022-03-21Weltweiter Klimastreik am 25. März ...more
2022-03-17Zertifikat Feldbotanik Bronze ...more
2022-03-17Outdoor sports and nature conservation: the "Digital Ranger" ...more
2022-03-01University of Bayreuth supports aid project: Humanitarian and medical aid for Ukraine ...more
2022-02-24Stick to Science ...more
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