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ÖBG Annual Report 2022 published

ÖBG Annual Report 2022 published


The Ecological-Botanical Garden of the University of Bayreuth published its annual report 2022. It documents central innovations and projects, the variety of teaching carried out, research at the navel of time and the constantly growing and more demanded exchange between science and society ("Third Mission").

In 2022, BayCEER accompanied the events "Forest Controversies", the "BANU Field Botany Certification Bronze" organizationally and partly in terms of content, and developed the exciting ESD water project "Learning from Plants: Water Strategies in Climate Change" together with the ÖBG. Furthermore, a profitable cooperation took place with BayCEER IT, which on the one hand collects data itself at ÖBG, e.g. on climate variables, and on the other hand supports BayCEER researchers with their know-how and technical soft- and hardwear.

The report can be found here (PDF in German language):


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