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Now it's getting crazy: Next titan arum comes into bloom

Now it's getting crazy: Next titan arum comes into bloom


After the titan arum bloom at Easter, the EBG expects again and already in a few days the seventh bloom of the largest flower in the world. Only at the Easter holidays a titanwort bloomed in the EBG and delighted thousands of visitors. Now, surprisingly, the next flower is waiting in the wings. Currently, in the lowland rainforest house of the EBG even flower and leaf of the titanwort can be seen at the same time - of course from 2 different plants. Also this time: extended opening hours of the greenhouses until 9 pm on the day the titan arum opens its flower!

The titan root (Amorphophallus titanum) produces the largest inflorescence in the world. The plant is native to the rainforests of Sumatra (Indonesia) and is also cultivated in the EBG. Over Easter, one of Bayreuth's titan arums bloomed for the sixth time since 2014. On Easter Sunday and Easter Monday, more than 6.000 visitors were able to experience the sight and very unique smell of the titanwort live in the Lowland Rainforest House. Also a webcam was again specially installed.

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