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New publication in the journal "Water Research"

New publication in the journal "Water Research"


In a recent study published in the journal "Water Research", Zhe Wang and Tillmann Lüders from BayCEER’s Ecological Microbiology group, in collaboration with Jan Fleckenstein from the Hydrological Modeling unit and others, dissected the microbiology and hydrology of a first-order stream heavily impacted by agriculture. In contrast to the common assumption that such streams primarily act as drainage systems for agricultural landscapes, they discovered are a surprisingly intense bidirectional exchange of water with the surrounding groundwater. This was reflected in previously unrecognized potentials for microbial nitrate elimination within the streambed.

In their project within the SFB Campos led by the University of Tübingen, the researchers were able to show that depending on the local hydrological regime, the streambed was colonized either by canonical heterotrophic denitrifiers, or by more unusual chemolithoautotrophic nitrate reducers. This suggests previously overlooked mechanisms of nitrate elimination in such agricultural lower-order streams. With a better understanding of such mechanisms, it may be possible to modulate agricultural drainage systems in a way that agricultural nutrient inputs and pollutant loads are eliminated more efficiently. This can contribute to the protection and remediation of surface water, groundwater and drinking water resources.

Original publication:
Wang, Z., Jimenez-Fernandez, O., Osenbrück, K., Schwientek, M., Schloter, M., Fleckenstein, J.H., Lueders, T., 2022.
Streambed microbial communities in the transition zone between groundwater and a first-order stream as impacted by bidirectional water exchange.
Water Research 118334. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2022.118334


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