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BayCEER - Bayreuth Center of Ecology and Environmental Research

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BayEOS as CO2 detector

BayEOS as CO2 detector


Stefan Holzheu (BayCEER IT) developed in cooperation with Stephan Messlinger (experimental physics) and the FabLab Bayreuth, a community Hi-Tech garage, a CO2 detector to measure air quality in classrooms. The detector is connected to a traffic light system and reflects teacher and pupils the status of the air quality at once. In the CO2 detector is the BayEOS system incorporated which allows to collect measurable data via sensor boards and to store it on the BayEOS server for a later analysis.

The project is funded with 8000€ by a local bank, Sparkasse Bayreuth, and supports the distribution of the detectors to schools free of charge.

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