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North Korean Forestry Delegation Visits BayCEER

North Korean Forestry Delegation Visits BayCEER


A four scientist delegation of the Ministry of Land and Environment Protection and the Forestry Design and Technology Institute of Pyongyang, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea carried out discussions Tuesday September 27 at the University of Bayreuth with the Bayreuth Center of Ecology and Environmental Research as part of a six day study tour of forest research and management in the Bundesrepublik Deutschland.

Particular interest was shown in the research activities of BayCEER and the subject of discussions related to the restoration and sustainable management of forested watersheds under Asian monsoon climate conditions. BayCEER is currently working in forested watersheds in Vietnam, South China, South Korea and Japan, especially on water management and forest production. The visit sponsored by Hanns Seidel Foundation provides an opportunity to extend BayCEER international information exchange and contributions to resource management further within Asian monsoon regions. BayCEER already cooperates strongly with the Seoul/Korea office of Hanns Seidel Foundation to promote ecological restoration and resource management in the framework of the DFG funded International Research Training Group TERRECO.

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