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Jochen Krauss: Publikationen

Le Provost, G; Thiele, J; Westphal, C; Penone, C; Allan, E; Neyret, M; van der Plas, F; Ayasse, M; Bardgett, R; Birkhofer, K; Boch, S; Bonkowski, M; Buscot, F; Feldhaar, H; Gaulton, R; Goldmann, K; Gossner, MM; Klaus, VH; Kleinebecker, T; Krauss, J; Renner, S; Scherreiks, P; Sikorski, J; Baulechner, D; Blüthgen, N; Bolliger, R; Börschig, C; Busch, V; Chisté, M; Fiore-Donno, AM; Fischer, M; Arndt, H; Hoelzel, N; John, K; Jung, K; Lange, M; Marzini, C; Overmann, J; Paŝalić, E; Perović, DJ; Prati, D; Schäfer, D; Schöning, I; Schrumpf, M; Sonnemann, I; Steffan-Dewenter, I; Tschapka, M; Türke, M; Vogt, J; Wehner, K; Weiner, C; Weisser, W; Wells, K; Werner, M; Wolters, V; Wubet, T; Wurst, S; Zaitsev, AS; Manning, P: Contrasting responses of above- and belowground diversity to multiple components of land-use intensity, Nature Communications, 12, 3918 (2021), doi:10.1038/s41467-021-23931-1
Habel, JC; Brückmann, S; Krauss, J; Schwarzer, J; Weig, A R; Husemann, M; Steffan-Dewenter, I: Fragmentation genetics of the grassland butterfly Polyommatus coridon: Stable genetic diversity or extinction debt?, Conservation Genetics (2015), online: 17.12.2014, doi:10.1007/s10592-014-0679-8 -- Details
Hoiß, B; Gaviria, J; Leingaertner, A; Krauss, J; Steffan-Dewenter, I: Combined effects of climate and management on plant diversity and pollination type in alpine grasslands, Diversity & Distributions (2012), doi:10.1111/j.1472-4642.2012.00941.x -- Details
Brückmann, S; Krauss, J; Steffan-Dewenter, I: Butterfly and plant specialists suffer from reduced connectivity in fragmented landscapes, Journal of Applied Ecology, 47, 799-809 (2010) -- Details
Hambäck, PA; Bergman, K-O; Bommarco, R; Krauss, J; Kuussaari, M; Pöyry, J; Öckinger, E: Allometric density responses in butterflies: the response to small and large patches by small and large species, Ecography, online (2010) -- Details
Krauss, J; Bommarco, R; Guardiola, M; Heikkinen, RK; Helm, A; Kuussaari, M; Lindborg, R; Öckinger, E; Pärtel, M; Pino, J; Pöyry, J; Raatikainen, KM; Sang, A; Stefanescu, C; Teder, T; Zobel, M; Steffan-Dewenter, I: Habitat fragmentation causes immediate and time-delayed biodiversity loss at different trophic levels, Ecology Letters, 13, 597-605 (2010) -- Details
Öckinger, E; Schweiger, O; Crist, TO; Debinski, DM; Krauss, J; Kuussaari, M; Petersen, JD; Pöyry, J; Settele, J; Summerville, KS; Bommarco, R: Life-history traits predict species responses to habitat area and isolation: a cross-continental synthesis, Ecology Letters, online (2010) -- Details
Härri, SA; Krauss, J; Müller, CB: Extended larval development time for aphid parasitoids in the presence of plant endosymbionts, Ecological Entomology, 34, 20–25 (2009) -- Details
Krauss, J; Alfert, T; Steffan-Dewenter, I: Habitat area but not habitat age determines wild bee richness in limestone quarries, Journal of Applied Ecology, 46, 194–202 (2009) -- Details
Kuussaari, M; Bommarco, R; Heikkinen, RK; Helm, A; Krauss, J; Lindborg, R; Öckinger, E; Pärtel, M; Pino, J; Rodà, F; Stefanescu, C; Teder, T; Zobel, M; Steffan-Dewenter, I: Extinction debt: a challenge for biodiversity conservation, TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution, 24, 564-571 (2009) -- Details
Hambäck, PA; Summerville, KS; Steffan-Dewenter, I; Krauss, J; Englund, G; Crist, TO: Habitat specialization, body size, and family identity explain lepidopteran density-area relationships in a cross-continental comparison, PNAS, 104, 8368-8373 (2007) -- Details
Krauss, J; Steffan-Dewenter, I; Müller, CB; Tscharntke, T: Relative importance of resource quantity, isolation and habitat quality for landscape distribution of a monophagous butterfly, Ecography, 28, 465-474 (2005) -- Details
Krauss, J; Klein, A-M; Steffan-Dewenter, I; Tscharntke, T: Effects of habitat area, isolation, and landscape diversity on plant species richness of calcareous grasslands, Biodiversity and Conservation, 13, 1427-1439 (2004) -- Details
Krauss, J; Schmitt, T; Seitz, A; Steffan-Dewenter, I; Tscharntke, T: Effects of habitat fragmentation on the genetic structure of the monophagous butterfly Polyommatus coridon along its northern range margin, Molecular Ecology, 13, 311-320 (2004) -- Details
Krauss, J; Steffan-Dewenter, I; Tscharntke, T: Landscape occupancy and local population size depends on host plant distribution in the butterfly Cupido minimus, Biological Conservation, 120, 355-361 (2004) -- Details
Krauss, J; Steffan-Dewenter, I; Tscharntke, T: How does landscape context contribute to effects of habitat fragmentation on diversity and population density of butterflies?, Journal of Biogeography, 30, 889-900 (2003) -- Details
Krauss, J; Steffan-Dewenter, I; Tscharntke, T: Local species immigration, extinction, and turnover of butterflies in relation to habitat area and habitat isolation, Oecologia, 137, 591-602 (2003) -- Details
Tscharntke, T; Bürger, C; Eber, S; Gabriel, D; Grabe, H; Grönmeier, M; Holzschuh, A; Jahn, S; Klein, A-M; Klipfel, S; Kluth, S; Krauss, J; Kruess, A; Lehmann, K; Poveda, K; Roschewitz, I; Schiele, S; Schmidt, M; Schulze, CH; Steffan-Dewenter, I; Sundmacher, F; Thies, C; Veddeler, D; Westphal, C: Pflanze-Insekt-Interaktionen und Biodiversität in der Agrarlandschaft, Forschungsmagazin Georgia Augusta: Vielfalt des Lebens - Biodiversität, 1, 41-46 (2002) -- Details
Krauss, J; Steffan-Dewenter, I; Tscharnkte, T: Tagfalter auf fragmentierten Kalkmagerrasen - Hat sich die Lebensgemeinschaftsstruktur in den letzten Jahren geändert? (Butterflies on fragmented calcareous grasslands - Are there changes in community structure during the last years?), Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie, 13, 525-528 (2001) -- Details
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