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Leonor Álvarez-Cansino: Curriculum Vitae

Department of plant ecology                                                               TLF: +49 921 55-2581

University of Bayreuth                                    

Universitätsstrasse 30, 95440                                     

Bayreuth, Germany



2009  PhD in Ecology. University of Seville, Spain. Honors mention. European PhD mention.

2005  Advanced Studies Diploma (DEA). Ecology. University of Seville, Spain.

2003  Certificate of Pedagogic Aptitude (CAP). University of Seville, Spain.

2002  Degree in Biology. Faculty of Biology. University of Seville, Spain.


2014-present  Lecturer and member of scientific staff (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin). Department of Plant Ecology, University of Bayreuth.

2010-2013  Postdoctoral Research Associate. Department of Biological Sciences. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Advisor: Dr. Stefan Schnitzer

2008-2010  Research associate. Department of Plant Biology and Ecology, University of Seville, Spain.

2003-2007  Postgraduate researcher (PhD candidate). Department of Plant Biology and Ecology. University of Seville, Spain.



2010-2013  Postdoctoral Fellow. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Panama.

2003-2007  Postgraduate National Fellowship (FPU). Ministry of Science and Education, Spain. Department of Plant Biology and Ecology. University of Seville. Spain.

2006  Postgraduate National Scholarship (FPU). Abroad program grant. Ministry of Science and Education, Spain. Department of Plant Sciences. University of Cambridge, UK. Advisor: Dr. Howard Griffiths.

2005  Postgraduate National Scholarship (FPU). Abroad program grant. Ministry of Science and Education, Spain. Department of Integrative Biology, University of California-Berkeley, USA. Advisor: Dr. Todd Dawson.

2004  Postgraduate National Scholarship (FPU). Abroad program grant. Ministry of Science and Education Spain. Archbold Biological Station, FL, USA. Advisor: Dr. Eric Menges.

2003  Postgraduate scholarship. CAMARA foundation. Department of Plant Biology and Ecology. University of Seville, Spain.

2001-2002  Undergraduate Internship. Department of Plant Biology and Ecology. Faculty of Biology University of Seville, Spain. Project title “Germinative treatments and reproductive fitness in Corema album”.


2014-2017  Intraspecific variation in drought responses of tropical tree seedlings - consequences for species distributions under climate change. PI: Liza Comita, Yale University (USA), Bettina Engelbrecht, University of Bayreuth (Germany). National Science Foundation (NSF). Participation as collaborator.

2010-2013  Explaining the distribution and dominance of lianas and tree species-a test of the dry season advantage hypothesis. PI: Stefan Schnitzer, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (USA). NSF. Participation as postdoctoral research associate. DEB-0845071

2010-2012  Sea intrusion effects on coastal dune vegetation: Ecophysiology and water sources use, a stable isotopes approach. Ministry of Science and Innovation (Spain). PI: Juan Bautista Gallego. Research Grant.

2008-2010  Elaboration of management protocols for the conservation of the endemic species Corema album. Ref: OG-022/08. PI: Dr. Mari Cruz Díaz Barradas. Research Grant.

2008-2009  Vulnerability to climate change of European palmetto Chamaerops humilis and three American palm species. Integrated action with Mexico, Spanish Agency of International Cooperation (AECI). PI: Dr. María Zunzunegui González. Research Grant.

2007-2008  An ecophysiological approach for the control of the herb Hieracium pilosilla in Tierra del Fuego pastures. Integrated action with Argentina (AECI). PI: Dr. Mari Cruz Díaz Barradas. Research Grant.

2006-2007  Ecophysiology of Argania spinosa. Integrated action with Morocco (AECI). PI: Dr. María Zunzunegui González. Research Grant.

2005-2007  Facilitation and inhibition in native and invasive species. Resource allocation in dune plant communities. Ministry of Research and Science (I+D+I). PI: Dr. María Zunzunegui González. Research Grant.


2011  National Certification for Academics. PhD Assistant Professor level. National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA), Spain.

2014-2016  Academic assistant. University of Bayreuth, Germany.

Tropical Biodiversity: Biodiversity analysis in R

Methods in Plant Functional Ecology and Diversity

Functional ecology of Mediterranean plants. From the coast to the mountains.

2013  Assistant lecturer. Department of Biological Sciences of the College of Letters and Science at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, USA. General Ecology.

2006-2010  Teaching assistant. Department of Plant Ecology and Biology. Faculty of Biology. University of Seville, Spain. Fire Ecology - Urban Ecology - Plant Ecology - Experimental techniques in Ecology - Ecology


Oral contributions

2014: Alvarez-Cansino L, Manzané E, Schnitzer SA, van der Heijden G. Seasonal differences in growth and leaf physiology between lianas and trees. A test of the dry season growth advantage hypothesis. GFO, Hildesheim, Germany.

Alvarez-Cansino L. Tropical forest responses to drought; considering both lianas and trees into the functional trait framework. Invited speaker. Bayceer Kolloquium.

2013: Alvarez-Cansino L. Efectos competitivos de las lianas en árboles tropicales. Variación estacional e interespecífica. XI Simposio nacional de la Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre. Pamplona (Spain).

Alvarez-Cansino L, Schnitzer S., Powers J. Liana competition with tropical trees varies with seasonal rainfall and soil moisture. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Fellows Symposium. STRI, Republic of Panama.

2012: Alvarez-Cansino L, Schnitzer S., Powers J. Liana competitive effects on tropical trees. 49th annual meeting of the Asociation for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC). Bonito, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil.

2011: Alvarez-Cansino L. Environmental gradient effects on physiological performance and population structure along dioecious species biogeographical range. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Fellows Symposium. STRI, Republic of Panama.

2007: Alvarez-Cansino L. Ecophysiology of Corema album along a climatic gradient. Department of Plant Sciences. Cambridge University (UK). Invited speaker.

2005: Alvarez-Cansino L., Zunzunegui M, Díaz Barradas MC. Family Empetraceae, an ecophysiological approach to dioecious plants. 48th International Association for Vegetation Science Symposium. Lisboa (Portugal).

2004: Alvarez-Cansino L., Zunzunegui M, Díaz Barradas MC. Is the latitudinal response to seasonal water stress maintained in Corema album populations? VII Simpósio Luso-Espanhol de relaçoes Hídricas das Plantas. Faro (Portugal).

2003: Alvarez-Cansino L., Zunzunegui M, Díaz Barradas MC. Conservation of an Atlantic coastal shrub in an area where regeneration is associated to animal vectors: the case of Corema album. 46th Symposium of the International Association of Vegetation Science. Naples (Italy).

Poster presentations

2015: Alvarez-Cansino L, Santiago L, van der Heijden G, and. Schnitzer SA. Seasonal differences in growth and leaf physiology between lianas and trees; a test of the dry season growth advantage hypothesis. International Biogeography Society (IBS), BayCeer, Bayreuth (Germany)

Alvarez-Cansino L, Santiago L, van der Heijden G, and. Schnitzer SA. Lianas and trees show different responses to seasonal drought. GTÖ, Zürich, (Switzerland).

2014: Alvarez-Cansino L, Manzané E, Schnitzer SA, van der Heijden G. Seasonal differences in growth and leaf physiology between lianas and trees. A test of the dry season growth advantage hypothesis. Biogeomon, BayCeer, Bayreuth (Germany)

2012: Álvarez-Cansino L, Schnitzer S, and Powers J. Liana competitive effects on tropical trees. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Fellows Symposium. STRI (Panamá).

2010: Álvarez-Cansino L, Zunzunegui M, Díaz-Barradas MC, and Esquivias-Segura M. Germination and seedling recruitment constratints in the endemic species Corema album. 45th International Congress of SISV & FIP. Biodiversity hotspots in the Mediterranean area: species, communities and landscape level. Cagliari (Italy).

2009: Esquivias MP, Zunzunegui M, Rodríguez C, Cuecas A, and Álvarez-Cansino L. Invasive species effects on a threatened endemism during drought: Retama monosperma vs. Thymus carnosus. 45th International Congress of SISV & FIP. Biodiversity hotspots in the Mediterranean area: species, communities and landscape level. Cagliari (Italy).

Díaz-Barradas MC, Miglioli L, Zunzunegui M, Álvarez-Cansino L, Esquivias-Segura M, Valera J, and Oppo F. The role of water sources in dune diversity. 45th International Congress of SISV & FIP. Biodiversity hotspots in the Mediterranean area: species, communities and landscape level. Cagliari (Italy).

Álvarez-Cansino L, Zunzunegui M, Díaz-Barradas MC, and Esquivias-Segura MP. Gender dimorphism analysis in the Empetrae tribe (Ericaceae) using stable isotopes. Is sexual dimorphism constant between related dioecious species? IX Congreso de la Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre. Úbeda (Spain).

Álvarez-Cansino L, Zunzunegui M, Díaz-Barradas MC, and Esquivias-Segura MP. Gender-specific effect of reproduction suppression on vegetative growth and physiology of dioecious shrub Corema album. IX Congreso de la Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre. Úbeda (Spain).

2007: Jáuregui J, Díaz Barradas MC, Zunzunegui M, Ain-Lhout F, and Álvarez-Cansino L. Characterization of Argania spinosa populations under different environmental factors. 50th International Association for Vegetation Science Symposium. Swansea (Wales, UK).

Esquivias Segura MP, Zunzunegui M, Álvarez-Cansino L, and Díaz Barradas MC. Facilitation or competition? Possible invasive traits of Retama monosperma in the Algarve region (Portugal). 50th International Association for Vegetation Science Symposium. Swansea (Wales, UK).

Díaz Barradas MC, Zunzunegui M, Ain-Lhout F, Álvarez-Cansino L, Máguas C, García-Novo F, and Correia O. Spatial segregation and sexual dimorphism in the dioecious species Corema album across its biogeographical area. Medecos XI. International Mediterranean Ecosystems Conference. Perth (Australia).

2006: Álvarez- Cansino L, Zunzunegui M, Díaz Barradas MC, and Esquivias Segura M.P. Regeneration of Corema album in dune habitats. II Congreso Ibérico de Ecología. Crisis de la Biodiversidad: conocimiento y acción. Lisboa (Portugal).

Zunzunegui M, Díaz Barradas MC, Álvarez-Cansino L, and Esquivias Segura MP. Physiological response of the dioecious species Corema album in a bioclimatic gradient. II Congreso Ibérico de Ecología. Crisis de la Biodiversidad: conocimiento y acción. Lisboa (Portugal).

Álvarez-Cansino L, Dawson T, Esquivias-Segura MP, Díaz Barradas MC, and Zunzunegui M. Corema album: an endemic species in a climatic ecotone. BASIN/SIBAE Stable Isotopes Conference: Isotopes as Tracers of Ecological Change. Tomar (Portugal).

Esquivias Segura MP, Álvarez-Cansino L, Diaz Barradas MC, Zunzunegui M, Correia O, and Máguas C. Family Empetraceae: phenotypic plasticity in a variety of environments. BASIN/SIBAE Stable Isotopes Conference: Isotopes as Tracers of Ecological Change. Tomar (Portugal).

2005: Zunzunegui M, Díaz Barradas MC, Álvarez-Cansino L, Esquivias Segura MP, and García Novo F. 2005. Amino acid composition as response to environmental conditions: comparison between male and female plants in Empetraceae family. 48th International Association for Vegetation Science Symposium. Lisboa (Portugal).

2003: Zunzunegui M, Díaz Barradas MC, Collantes M, Clavijo A, Ain Lhout F, and Álvarez-Cansino L. Empetrum rubrum: physiological and morphological sexual differences in harsh environments. 46th Symposium of the International Association of Vegetation Science. Naples (Italy).

Organization of symposia and workshops

2015: International meeting. European Conference of Tropical Ecology (GTÖ). Zürich, Switzerland. Session organizer: Drought Effects in Tropical Forests.

International meeting. International Biogeography Society, IBS2015, 7th Biennial Conference, Bayreuth, Germany. Congress guide edition.

Workshop. 7th BayCEER Workshop, University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany. Organization board.


Biotropica, Journal of Ecology, International Journal of Plant Sciences, Plant Biology and Diversity, Plant Ecology, Environmental and Experimental Botany, Plant and Soil, Photosynthetica, Annals of Botany, Trees: structure and function, Functional Ecology

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