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DALI – A Database of Ascomycete Literature


Von 01/1998 bis 09/2022

Mitarbeiter: Dagmar Triebel, Gerhard Rambold

DALI and – if not stated otherwise – its supporting files have been copyrighted © 1998–2010 by the Botanische Staatssammlung München, Department of Mycology. Support is provided by the Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst and the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Wissenschaft (BMBF). Permission is given for free use of data in the search result for non-commercial purposes; any commercial use must be granted by prior written agreement. The data project DALI was established by D. Triebel & G. Rambold with technical assistance from I. Sebek. It uses a MS Access database application set up by G. Rambold. The webinterface WILD used until January, 2004 was developed by A. Findling. The ColdFusion webinterface used now was programmed by W. Spiesberger. Currently DALI is maintained and expanded by staff members of the Botanische Staatssammlung München (M) as part of the Mycology.Net project. Suggested Citation Triebel, D. & Rambold, G. (eds) 1998–2010 [first posted on 98-05-19; most recent update: 10-10-31]. DALI – Database of Ascomycete Literature. – Botanische Staatssammlung München: http://dali.botanischestaatssammlung.de. – München, Germany.

Homepage: http://bsm4.snsb.info/BSM-Mycology/Dali/DALIdatabase_DALI_Find.cfm

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