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From research to agro-environmental policy: success stories for biodiversity conservation

Vortragender: Dr. Annette Freibauer, Bavarian State Research Centre for Agriculture, Institute of Organic Farming, Soil and Resource Management (Homepage)
Do. 09.05.2019 (12:00-13:30)

Insect and bird diversity has declined in agricultural landscapes. The decline in the quality and quantity of habitats rich in flowers, seeds, nesting and overwintering structures has been identified as one of the main causes of biodiversity loss. We have reconciled scientific knowledge about habitat structures with the needs of farmers and administration to create measures funded under the current agro-environment programme under the Common Agricultural Policy in Bavaria. Flower fallow measures have been widely adopted by farmers and have proven successful for a wide range of pollinator species. In contrast, result-based payments for species rich grasslands were much less accepted although they could help protect particularly valuable habitats. The knowledge of farmers, the governance in the administration and adequate advice are critical components for success. Based on past experience I will discuss pathways towards effective biodiversity conservation in agricultural landscapes of Bavaria under the future Common Agricultural Policy.


Invited by Thomas Köllner, Ecological Services

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