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The Urgent Need for Anticipatory Capacity to Anthropogenic Climate Change: The Role of Ecological Calendars

Vortragender: Prof. Dr. Karim-Aly S. Kassam, Cornell University, New York, USA (Homepage)
Di. 05.06.2018 (18:15-19:45), H6, GEO

Indigenous communities at high latitudes and high altitudes are at the vanguard of climatic variation even though they did not contribute to its causes. Yet “change” is not the issue because these societies depend upon the varying rhythms of different seasons for their food security. The major cause of anxiety is the inability to anticipate the effects of anthropogenic climate change. What role do the biophysical and social sciences as well as the humanities have in addressing this challenge? How can a culturally and ecologically grounded adaptation strategy be established using transdisciplinary teams in generating hybrid indigenous and scientific knowledge? This presentation will address the ethical, intellectual, and practical challenge of building anticipatory capacity by investigating the role of ecological calendars.

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