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Arsenic speciation in sulfidic waters; some current problems.

Vortragender: Prof. Dr. George Helz, University of Maryland (Homepage)
Fr. 17.10.2014 (08:15-09:45), S 137 (NW III)

Employing a thermodynamic perspective, the speaker will review current limits to our understanding of the chemical behavior of arsenic in sulfidic natural waters.  Some questions discussed will be,    

  1. Why do thioarsenates occur in sulfidic waters?
  2. Why are sulfosalt minerals common in ore deposits?   
  3. What is the role of zerovalent sulfur and polysulfides in arsenic speciation?



Invited by the Environmental Geochemistry Group (Prof. Dr. Britta Planer-Friedrich)
- anyone who would like to join is cordially invited!

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