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Students at the Climate Conference: COP 19 in Warsaw

Di. 10.12.2013 (18:00-20:00), S62 (RW)

Kontakt: Stephanie Thomas

A few students of the University of Bayreuth have been to the last Climate Conference - the COP 19 in Warsaw. We would like to share our experiences with all of you and would like to invite you to a seminar session on the 10th of December from 6-8pm in S62 (RW).

The seminar will consist of three parts:

- a short introduction to the topic of climate change negotiations, the background of the last conferences, the main topics of COP 19 and the results as well as our personal experiences there ("How to imagine such a conference")

- short presentations on so-called side events at the conference (presentations that provide information on approaches to tackle climate change, on current research, etc.)

- discussion/questions from the audience

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