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University of Bayreuth, Iwalewahaus, 30.09. - 01.10.2024

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  GeoSciEd VOFRA


Save the date, spread the word, stay tuned!


Geobiology is a highly interdisciplinary field that connects topics from diverse but related areas such as the origin and evolution of life, biogeochemical processes, Earth climate, limits of life, geophysics and microbial habitats in Earth's interior. 

After an inspiring start at ETH Zürich in 2022 and succesful follow-up at FSU Jena in 2023, this year's D-A-CH Geobiology symposium for early career researchers is coming to University of Bayreuth.

Join us for interesting and interdisciplinary talks, lively discussions and networking possibilities with fellow scientists from around Europe!

Participation is free!

Registration and abstract submission are open until August 16th.

Number of participants is limited to a max. of 100


More (preliminary) information on the symposium




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